Molurus - B.C - 188-2

Current Stock:
Ships Same Business Day
  • Species: Python (Molurus)
  • Cut: Back Cut
  • Markings: Bleached
  • Length:
  • Width:
  • Finish:
  • Thickness:
  • Color:

Python skin is a beautiful, strong leather with a distinctly diverse number of colors, and finishes.

Rojé proudly boasts the absolute largest inventory of colors and finishes in the United States. We ship the same business day. Notice the suppleness or softness as determining factors to freshness and consistency when ordering python. Notice skins we ship are very fresh and soft, even the glazed skins will not feel prickly. This collection of python skins was imported from Europe and were tanned from wet salted raw. U.S. suppliers that import crispy air-dried crust to save money on shipping will be attempting to re-hydrate dry skins then add their color and finish locally.

Sizing for This Collection of European Tanned Python Molurus & Python Reticulated

Skins Length ranges from 1.7m to 4.5m the larger the width the longer the skin will be.

Skin width is from 28-38cm

The price is determined by the length of the skin measured in meters. One meter is 39 inches.

Legalities and Conservation

This collection of python skins was legally imported into the United States from Europe and are protected by US Fish and Wildlife regulations and CITES Appendix II. Our skins originate from Indonesian, Malaysia, and Vietnam.